What’s New in LabKey 21.11


LabKey Server

  •  Cloud: Import folder archives and reload studies from S3 storage. (docs)
  • Specify a custom date parsing pattern. (docs)
  • Subscribe to notifications of changes to specific datasets (docs)
  • Improved visibility options for user-defined queries in the schema browser. (docs)

Sample Manager

  •  Improved interface for managing workflow templates, jobs, and tasks. (docs)
  •  Edit sources and parents of samples in bulk. (docs)
  •  Manage sample statuses like available, consumed, and locked.
  •  Customize the aliquot naming pattern. (docs)
  •  Record the physical location of freezers you manage, making it easier to find samples across distributed sites. (docs)


  •  Sample detail pages include information about aliquots and jobs. (docs)
  •  Customize the names of entities in the bioregistry (docs)

Premium Resources Highlights

For the full release notes, click here.