lab worker in p p e looks at chemical bottle on inventory shelf while holding tablet using inventory lims features

Which LIMS Features Should My Lab Focus On?

For a lab experiencing significant growth, LIMS features are essential to staying on top of the lab’s efficiency, data management, and collaboration needs. Choosing the right software for your lab can be challenging with a wide array of choices. Aligning your lab’s needs with the features that will address them best can help the decision making process go smoothly. 

To identify the LIMS features your lab will benefit from the most, follow these steps:


Identify the stakeholders for determining LIMS features:

Since the goal of a LIMS is to unify different roles in the lab into a single software system, it will pay off to consider the needs of each kind of user you have. Scientists will want LIMS features like sample tracking and workflow management, lab managers benefit from comprehensive reporting and centralized information, and data analysts require robust analysis tools and ML/AI capabilities. To ensure all needs are met, assemble a team of representative stakeholders to participate in the evaluation process and provide comprehensive input.


Understand your lab’s scope: 

Determine if the LIMS features need to support all scientific functions and teams across the enterprise, or only specific groups like antibody/drug discovery and cell-line development. Consider whether the LIMS needs to integrate with outsourced functions as well, like CROs or lab inventory management


Evaluate pain points and priorities in your lab:

Labs looking to adopt LIMS software usually consider these to be their major areas of concern that the features need to address:

Data Governance:

  • Pain Point: Difficulty in ensuring a single, reliable “source of truth” for all data.
  • Features: Robust data governance tools, audit trails, and compliance support to maintain data integrity and reliability. This includes features like data encryption, role-based access, and user authentication to ensure data security and compliance with regulations such as HIPAA, FISMA, and CFR Part 11.

Connecting Data:

  • Pain Point: Challenges in integrating data from different steps and types, leading to data silos and fragmented information.
  • Features: Integration capabilities, data connectivity tools, and automated data synchronization to connect various data sources and streamline processes. LIMS features like database integrations and data automation can significantly enhance data interoperability and consistency.

Reducing Manual Spreadsheet Work:

  • Pain Point: High error rates and inefficiency due to reliance on manual spreadsheets.
  • Features: Automated data entry, centralized data management, and workflow automation to replace manual spreadsheet tasks. This can be achieved through features such as assay management, data capture, and automated reporting, which eliminate the need for cumbersome spreadsheet macros and manual data entry.

LIMS Features Facilitating Hand-Offs:

  • Pain Point: Inefficiencies and errors during the hand-off of data and requests between teams.
  • Features: Configurable workflows, work request management, and notification systems to facilitate seamless transitions and communication. Implementing electronic lab notebooks (ELNs) and lab inventory management systems can further enhance collaboration and accountability by providing a centralized platform for documenting processes and managing resources.

Data Structuring for Advanced Analytics:

  • Pain Point: Difficulty in analyzing and modeling data due to poorly organized or inaccessible data.
  • Features: Data structuring tools, assay data management, and integrations with analytics platforms (such as Tableau, PowerBI, and RStudio) to support complex data analysis and modeling. Built-in querying, reporting, and visualization capabilities can help organize data in a manner that is conducive to advanced analysis and decision-making.



Growing research labs struggling with accurate, efficient data management are likely to find that LIMS is the solution they need to optimize their laboratory processes. LabKey LIMS revolutionizes laboratory efficiency with a sample-centric approach, integrated storage management, comprehensive workflows, reporting, and ELN software.

Book a demo with us to discuss how LabKey LIMS can transform your laboratory management.