scientist looks at microscope connected to computer while lab partner accesses lims software from tablet

What Is a LIMS?

What Is a LIMS?

A Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is a software designed to handle complex lab operations and their data management needs. LIMS supports lab operations including workflows, sample inventory, experimental data, and various laboratory management functions. 

Labs often adopt LIMS software seeking benefits like streamlined workflows, greater lab efficiency, improved data management, and support for compliance with regulatory requirements. By managing various laboratory functions in a unified system, a LIMS helps labs maintain research integrity without sacrificing efficiency.


Contents: Basic Features of LIMS | Who Uses LIMS? | Advantages and Benefits | LabKey LIMS


Basic Features a LIMS Needs

Sample Tracking and Management: A robust LIMS should provide comprehensive sample tracking capabilities, allowing users to record and monitor each sample’s journey from collection to disposal. This includes assigning unique identifiers, maintaining detailed metadata, and tracking chain-of-custody.

Data Management: Effective scientific data management is crucial in a laboratory setting. A LIMS should facilitate the secure and interconnected storage, retrieval, and sharing of data, including test results, instrument outputs, and metadata. It should support various data formats and integration with other lab instruments and software.

Workflow Automation: Automation of routine tasks and lab workflows is a key feature of a LIMS. This includes automating sample processing, quality control checks, and data entry, reducing the risk of human error and increasing efficiency.

Regulatory Compliance: Laboratories must comply with various regulatory standards, such as GLP, GMP, and ISO. A LIMS should help ensure compliance by providing audit trails, validation protocols, and documentation management features.

Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELNs): Integrating ELNs within a LIMS allows laboratories to digitize and centralize their experimental records. ELNs facilitate the documentation of procedures, observations, and results in a structured, searchable format, enhancing data accessibility and collaboration among lab members.

Reporting and Analytics: The ability to generate custom reports and perform data analysis is essential. A LIMS should offer flexible reporting tools and advanced analytics capabilities to help labs make data-driven decisions and demonstrate compliance.


Who Uses LIMS?

LIMS are used by a wide range of laboratories across various industries. Some of the key users include:

Clinical Laboratories: These labs use LIMS to manage participant samples, track test results, and support compliance with healthcare regulations. Clinical data management software may also be used in these locations.

Research and Development Labs: In academic and industrial R&D settings, LIMS helps manage experiments, track sample data, and streamline collaboration among researchers.

Testing Labs: These labs rely on LIMS to handle large volumes of samples, manage complex testing workflows, and comply with environmental regulations.

Pharmaceutical and Biotech Companies: LIMS are crucial in managing the extensive data and regulatory requirements in drug discovery, development and production.

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Advantages of Adopting a LIMS

Improved Efficiency: By automating routine tasks, sample tracking, and data management, LIMS software significantly reduces manual labor and the potential for human error. This leads to faster turnaround times, streamlined workflows for sample management, and enhanced productivity.

Enhanced Data Integrity and Security: LIMS provide robust data management solutions that ensure data integrity, compliance and security. With features like searchable audit trails, role-based access controls, and data encryption, labs can maintain accurate records and protect sensitive information.

Support for Workflows and Collaboration: LIMS software supports the integration and automation of laboratory workflows, facilitating seamless transitions between different stages of sample processing and data management. They also enhance collaboration among lab personnel by providing a centralized platform for sharing data, managing tasks, and tracking project progress, ultimately leading to better coordination and improved research outcomes.



Growing research labs struggling with accurate, efficient data management are likely to find that LIMS is the solution they need to optimize their laboratory processes. LabKey LIMS revolutionizes laboratory efficiency with a sample-centric approach, integrated storage management, comprehensive workflows, reporting, and ELN software.

Book a demo with us to discuss how LabKey LIMS can transform your laboratory management.