Managing ELISA and ELISpot Data with LabKey Server SDMS

High throughput plate-based immunoassays such as ELISA and ELISpot are important tools in drug discovery, clinical trials, bioanalytical labs and immunological research. With the advancement of these assays into microplates and their relatively inexpensive nature, both of these assays are widely used globally to evaluate immune responses to a variety of antigens.

Because of their low price point and technology requirements, ELISA and ELISpot assays are often performed in a high-throughput manner which produces a large amount of data in a short time frame. To support the reproducibility of experiment results, teams need lab data management tools that are scalable enough to manage this high volume data in a controlled manner without causing research bottlenecks. LabKey Server provides support for efficient ELISA and ELISpot data management by:

Streamlining Data Management in the Laboratory

LabKey Server helps streamline the management of immunoassay and other laboratory data by:

  • Automatically importing instrument files upon availability using LabKey file watchers
  • Providing automated cleaning, validation, and transformation of data from laboratory instruments, databases and software
  • Structuring experiment results in data grids that can easily be sorted, filtered, and queried

Tracking Data Provenance

LabKey provides scientists with mechanisms for capturing data provenance by:

  • Offering users easy-to-understand graphical plate mapping tools
  • Allowing users to add metadata about the antigen or immune-responder
  • Providing the ability to calculate background and normalize data when appropriate
  • Visualizing calibration curves or normalized spot counts for dependable analysis

Facilitating Lab Data Integration & Analysis

LabKey helps scientists integrate, analyze and share their ELISA and ELISpot data by:

  • Allowing users to easily integrate their plate-based data with other related data
  • Providing built-in visualization tools for live or snapshotted analyses
  • Offering a mature permissions strategy for securely sharing data and analyses with collaborators

LabKey Server helps research teams efficiently manage lab data at scale.

Click here to request a demo.

Multi-Attribute Method reporting with Panorama and Skyline

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Panorama is a web-based data management system for targeted mass spectrometry data that integrates closely with Skyline.

The Multi-Attribute Method (MAM) is designed for improved simultaneous detection, identification, quantitation, and quality control (monitoring) of molecular attributes. Panorama has recently added MAM-specific reporting to its existing set of analytics, offering immediate results and data sharing to any imported data. Additionally, Panorama and AutoQC’s automated workflow provide longitudinal tracking of MAM-related metrics for QC purposes.

Results:  Skyline lets users easily set up the proteins and peptides to analyze, and pull in raw data from all of the major mass spec vendors without needing to do a separate conversion step.  Panorama organizes data into folders, and offers different folder types that are optimized for different workflows and analyses. A new MAM folder type introduces predefined reports, including a Peptide map report and a Post-translational modification report which shows the proportion for each peptide variant’s peak area across samples. More MAM-focused reporting is being added, and at any time, data can be pulled into Spotfire, Tableau, or R for additional visualization.

Conclusions: Groups first started creating MAM-related reports in Panorama via custom SQL queries in 2015, but these were not built-in as standard reports or widely distributed. As interest in MAM has grown, the Panorama team saw the need to generalize them and make them broadly available. The initial set of reports include post-translational modification percent and peptide map reports. A collaboration between users and the Skyline and Panorama development teams resulted in new capabilities to override how peptides and their variants are grouped when calculating the percentage that each variant represents of the whole. This flexible approach means that users can either use the default, which groups all PTM variants together, or group based on sequence variants or other factors. Supporting these reports directly also means that database schema changes and precalculation can speed up query times by 20x or more. Additionally, because Panorama can track a wide variety of data for automated longitudinal tracking, these MAM-related metrics can be easily incorporated into QC folders where they can be analyzed with statistical process control techniques like Levey-Jennings, CUSUM, and moving range plots. As of January 2020, more than 400 labs are using Panorama projects free of charge to manage targeted mass spectrometry assays on, a server hosted by the MacCoss lab at the University of Washington. Additionally, major pharmaceutical companies and other organizations have deployed their own in-house installations of Panorama.

Panorama Partners Program

The Panorama Partners Program accelerates the adoption and integration of Panorama into member organizations’ targeted mass spectrometry workflows. Partners work directly with the Panorama and Skyline development teams, help shape the direction of ongoing development, and receive exclusive premium features.

Watch the daily sessions from the 2020 LabKey User Conference!

The 2020 LabKey User Conference featured informative sessions showing how LabKey is being used by a variety of life science research organizations, as well as educational talks from the LabKey Team. Conference highlights include:

  • Watch presentations from NIAID/NIH, Nestlé Research, Just-Evotec Biologics, and Knight Cancer Institute showing how they have partnered with LabKey
  • See previews of our upcoming Biologics Electronic Lab Notebook (Day 2), and our Freezer Management solution within LabKey Sample Manager (Day 3)
  • Hear about LabKey MyStudies (Day 4)- an open-source system for conducting IRB-approved clinical trials, collecting patient reported outcomes, and obtaining informed consent using mobile devices
  • Learn from our developers with our Tech Talks (Day 4) to get a deep dive into more technical areas of the platform

[vc_custom_heading text=”Have questions? Want more information?” font_container=”tag:h2|text_align:center” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_btn title=”Contact Us” color=”green” align=”center” link=””][vc_separator][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_custom_heading text=”Day 1, October 6th” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_video link=””][vc_btn title=”Watch on YouTube” color=”green” align=”left” link=””]Introduction
Presented by Michael Gersch, CEO, LabKey

00:11:55 – LabKey Server Product Update
Presented by Adam Rauch, VP of Product Strategy, LabKey

00:28:27 – HGRepo Informatics Framework for the NIAID/DIR COVID-19 Immune Response Consortium
Presented by Sandhya Xirasagar Ph.D., Lead, Clinical and Laboratory Informatics Section, NIAID & Jason Barnett, Contract Lead, Medical Science and Computing, Inc. 

00:54:35 – Assay and Study Management with LabKey Server
Presented by Bernhard Sonderegger Ph.D., Senior Specialist Data Systems and Management, Nestlé Research

01:15:00 – Reporting and Visualizations via ODBC Integrations
Robert Morphew, Technical Program Manager, LabKey[vc_separator][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_custom_heading text=”Day 2, October 7th” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_video link=””][vc_btn title=”Watch on YouTube” color=”green” align=”left” link=””]LabKey Biologics Update
Presented by Bernie Lee, Product Manager,  LabKey

00:28:52 – ELN (Electronic Lab Notebook) Preview
Presented by Bernie Lee, Product Manager, LabKey

00:56:54 – The Quest for an ELN We Actually Want To Use
Presented by Tara Kulas, Scientist, Analytical Sciences, Just – Evotec Biologics

01:26:38 – Introduction to Panorama and LabKey Support for Targeted Mass Spectrometry
Presented by Josh Eckels, VP of Engineering, LabKey
[vc_separator][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_custom_heading text=”Day 3, October 8th” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_video link=”″][vc_btn title=”Watch on YouTube” color=”green” align=”left” link=”″]LabKey Sample Manager Update
Presented by Hannah Brakke, Product Manager, LabKey

00:26:09 – Freezer Management Preview
Presented by Hannah Brakke, Product Manager, LabKey

00:57:02 – Data Management in Precision Oncology
Presented by Patrick Leyshock, Ph.D., Knight Cancer Institute, Oregon Health & Science University

01:27:20 – Using LabKey Server with Sample Manager
Presented by Steve Hanson, Director of User Education, LabKey[vc_separator][vc_row equal_height=”yes”][vc_custom_heading text=”Day 4, October 9th” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_video link=”″][vc_btn title=”Watch on YouTube” color=”green” align=”left” link=”″]LabKey MyStudies: Supporting Mobile E-Consent, Study Design and Infrastructure for Clinical Trials
Presented by Adam Rauch, VP of Product Strategy, LabKey

00:30:26 – Automate Data Import and Processing using File Watchers
Karl Lum, VP of Engineering, LabKey

01:00:26 – Using LabKey Artifacts for your Build Process
Presented by Susan Hert, LabKey

01:28:53 – JavaScript Development within LabKey Server
Presented by Nick Kerr, LabKey

01:59:39 – Bringing Your Data Together
Presented by Binal Patel, LabKey

02:30:19 – LabKey Cloud Hosting and Best Practices
Presented by Stuart MacDonald and Isa Farnik, LabKey[vc_separator]

Browse the Human Immune System with HIPC’s ImmuneSpace Powered by LabKey

Browse Human Immune System Data

The Human Immunology Project Consortium (HIPC) program was established by the NIAID Division of Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation (DAIT) as part of the overall NIAID focus on human immunology. To support the data management, analysis, and research efforts of HIPC, ImmuneSpace was developed. This project is led by Dr. Gottardo of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Immune system related data, collected from over 100 studies at HIPC research centers, is available to the public in ImmuneSpace, developed in collaboration with LabKey. Well-characterized human cohorts are studied using a wide variety of tools including:

  • Multiplex transcriptional, cytokine, and proteomic assays
  • Multiparameter phenotyping of leukocyte subsets
  • Assessment of leukocyte functional status

LabKey Server Support for HIPC

LabKey Server provides the underlying system to centralize data for securely publishing, aligning, and harmonizing datasets across what would otherwise be siloed study repositories. Shared datasets and extensible schemas help bring diverse data together in a way that it can be treated as a global data bank.

The research network data centralization solution offered by LabKey server is specifically designed to: 

  • Bring together data from disparate studies, making the data centrally available 
  • Align data structures to minimize manual processing and facilitate integration
  • Provide quality control tools to validate and standardize data from contributors
  • Create secure workspaces to curate data prior to sharing with a wider audience
  • Facilitate exploration and analysis of of complete integrated datasets
  • Visualize, analyze, and report on aggregated data using built-in plotting and reporting tools. For example, LabKey Server’s powerful integration with the R statistical programming environment supports presenting R script results as live reports within LabKey Server.

Explore the new HIPC Interface

The ImmuneSpace platform recently launched a new Data Finder interface which makes it easy for users to explore and analyze datasets from hundreds of studies. Developed in ReactJS, with consulting support from LabKey developers and designers, plus extensions to the APIs, this modern interface presents an intuitive browsing experience. LabKey’s integrations with analysis and visualization tools including RStudio help power unique solutions like the ImmuneSpace DataFinder. 

Filter by patient characteristics, study focus, and even by the type and timeframe of data available. Dashboard graphics update in real time to guide you as you make selections.


Identify your own cross-study participant group of interest and save it for deeper analysis.  Use the group as a basis for visualizations and analysis.

Investigating hypotheses across this existing landscape of collected data can unlock new insights for future study and help you connect with research similar to your own. Filtered study details can be scanned in a card format, or sorted in any way you choose.

Click Here to get started by registering for a free account.

FDA releases COVID MyStudies with support from Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare Institute and LabKey

Previously released as FDA MyStudies, COVID MyStudies is now available as a free platform to assist investigators in remotely and securely obtaining informed consent from patients for eligible clinical trials when face-to-face contact is not possible due to COVID-19 control measures.

COVID MyStudies

“The agency is providing this resource after hearing that investigators were having difficulties obtaining informed consent for clinical trials when patients were in isolation rooms in health care facilities or could not travel to outpatient clinics,” noted the FDA. By obtaining consent from patients remotely, COVID MyStudies can help ensure that clinical trials related to COVID-19 are not unnecessarily delayed.

COVID MyStudies is available on the Apple App and Google Play stores. 

Before using the app, investigators must contact the FDA. If a pre-IND or IND number is available, it should be included in the preliminary contact email. Investigators will provide their informed consent documents to the COVID MyStudies team to be added to the app. They will then have a chance to review all informed consent documentation within the app before incorporating it into their trials.

LabKey for COVID MyStudies

Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute (HPHCI) was selected by the FDA to lead the development of the FDA MyStudies mobile app. HPHCI in turn selected LabKey Server as the supporting data management solution and Boston Technology Corporation (BTC) as the developer of the mobile interface.

The flexible architecture of LabKey Server and its ability to handle PHI/PII data in a manner compliant with HIPAA and FISMA regulations leant itself well to the COVID MyStudies project. The Registration Server utilized to manage electronic consent, authentication, preferences, and notifications, is built upon the LabKey Server platform.  LabKey also provided the HIPAA/FISMA hosting environment for the application. You can learn more about how LabKey supported the FDA MyStudies app by reading our case study.

Related Resources

COVID MyStudies Support Documentation – LabKey

COVID MyStudies Announcement – FDA

Contact the support team at

Contact FDA at

The 2020 LabKey User Conference Goes Virtual!

The annual LabKey User Conference will be held in a virtual format from October 6th to 9th 2020. All four days of the conference and training sessions will be free to attend! As with past conferences, this year will feature informative user presentations, product updates and announcements, educational Tech Talks led by our development team, and our Learn LabKey training sessions. This is an exciting opportunity for attendees to expand their knowledge of LabKey solutions and learn how LabKey is solving the data management, collaboration and workflow challenges faced by life science organizations.

During the conference, the user community has the opportunity to provide valuable feedback and insights to the LabKey team. LabKey Server, Biologics, and Sample Manager have all been developed with significant input and guidance from the scientific research community. This input continues to be the guide by which we prioritize features, optimize user experience within our applications, and make key decisions to deliver the most value to our users. This year we will invite all attendees to participate in UX sessions later in the month for our soon to be released Biologics ELN and Freezer Management applications. 



Day 1, October 6

  • LabKey Server Update: Learn about new and upcoming features
  • User Presentations:
    • The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases will present on their use of LabKey Server for COVID-19 research studies
    • Nestlé Health Sciences will present on their use of LabKey Server for assay data and study management
  • Highlight: Currently in use by the FDA, LabKey MyStudies offers capture of informed consent/patient registration on mobile devices to support clinical trials, tools for mobile study design, and compliant hosting infrastructure

Day 2, October 7

  • LabKey Biologics Update: Learn about the exciting product development taking place with LabKey Biologics 
  • User Presentation: Just Biotherapeutics will share their ongoing collaboration with LabKey to develop an Electronic Laboratory Notebook 
  • Electronic Laboratory Notebook Preview: See a live demonstration of our upcoming Biologics ELN, available in early 2021.

Day 3, October 8

  • Sample Manager: Learn about ongoing development and feature updates for LabKey Sample Manager
  • User Presentation: Oregon Health and Sciences University will share how LabKey is used to support translational research
  • Freezer Management Preview: We will demonstrate our upcoming freezer management functionality within Sample Manager
  • Highlight: Using Sample Manager with LabKey Server

Day 4, October 9- Tech Talks

  • ODBC Integrations: Using ODBC to integrate with tools you already know, including MatLab, Tableau, and more
  • Filewatchers: Review the types, mechanics, and customization options of filewatchers in LabKey
  • React and Javascript Development within LabKey: Discuss the recently released API and developing apps within modules
  • Bringing Your Data Together: Integration and harmonization of data with ETLs, linked schemas, and cross-folder queries
  • Best Practices and Benefits of LabKey Hosting: Getting the most out of LabKey with our hosting options
  • Build and Test: Using Artifactory to optimize your build and test process

Seats are limited for the conference, click here to register!

What’s New in LabKey Server 20.7

LabKey is excited to announce our 20.7 release! This release includes major updates to Sample Manager, domain editor updates and premium LabKey Server features. See the full release notes, and highlights below.

Sample Manager

  • Sample Sources – Track the sources and provenance of your samples, such as subject or lab of origin.
  • Sample Timeline – Track chain-of-custody and capture all events related to a specific sample in a convenient graphical timeline. Timeline information can be exported to Excel, TSV, and CSV formats for auditing purposes.

WATCH WEBINAR: Tracking Samples with LabKey Sample Manager 

Premium LabKey Server Features

Additional LabKey Server Features

Premium Resources

Read More: Release Notes 20.7 (July 2020)

Sample Tracking Software vs Excel: 2 Reasons Why Software is Better Than Spreadsheets

Due to their wide availability and ease of use, Excel spreadsheets are considered by some labs to be a viable alternative to sample tracking software.  Smaller labs may find spreadsheets more economical and require less training than a sample tracking system. However, Excel spreadsheets have some major drawbacks for managing and tracking lab  samples. Conversely, a dedicated sample management system has features that are necessary as a lab grows and the complexity of tracking samples increases.  

1. Sample tracking software reduces human error

When using spreadsheets for sample tracking, it is very easy for data to go missing or be inadvertently changed. Cells, columns and the data contained within can be deleted or edited, with virtually no tracking of the changes or by whom the changes were made.  Sample management software provides structure to the data captured for each sample and defines how sample data can be changed and by which users. Software also provides an audit trail to monitor and report any changes.

Sample management software has features specifically dedicated to set up rules and restrictions regarding data creation/import and editing. For example, perhaps the volume of a particular sample type should always be a positive number, or the Sample ID is a required field? These features give teams the ability to structure their sample data in a way that makes sense for them. A good sample management software will have the flexibility to allow users to define their own data structures and processes to match the actual lab work, instead of the other way around. 

2. Spreadsheets lack robust security and permissions 

Spreadsheets, unlike sample tracking software or traditional databases, don’t have a detailed permissions model. For example, you may only want certain members of your team to be able to add new rows and not have the ability to edit the columns/metadata. In Excel, you are limited to granting basic read-only or read-write permissions. Sample tracking software allows for more granular permissions to be assigned based on your role in the sample management process. Maybe your Principal Investigator can only read, while the lab manager dictates what type of metadata is captured, and the rest of the lab members can add and update samples as needed.  

Sample Tracking Software- the clear winner!

A well-designed sample tracking software should not require extensive training or a long implementation process. Good software is designed with the end-user in mind and should be intuitive. Sample tracking software also contains a variety of other features that are focused on real-world laboratory sample management processes. 

LabKey Sample Manager is an intuitive sample management software designed to help labs efficiently track samples, define laboratory workflows, and unify samples with assay data. Sample Tracking with LabKey Sample Manager

Sample Tracking – End-to-end sample tracking features including chain-of-custody tracking,  sample types and sources, and lineage views

Freezer Management– Manage sample storage and freezer capacity using an intuitively designed interface

Lab Workflow Management – Assign samples to user-defined workflows and monitor the workflow completion status at each stage for every sample

Sample Data Integration – Integrate assay data with your samples and assign metadata for a complete picture of your ongoing experiments 

Take a tour of Sample Manager – register to see LabKey Sample Manager in action!

Data Management for Translational Research

Data Management in translational research is key to gleaning insights that lead to personalized treatment plans for patients. Translational research has advanced rapidly in recent years, but patient treatment efforts have been hindered by poor data management practices, error-prone manual workflows, and a lack of collaborative spaces where scientists and clinicians can easily share data and analyses.

With the multitude of data sources and types involved in translational research, teams need flexible data management software tools to help maximize insights and knowledge transfer from bench to bedside. LabKey Server provides the essential tools to overcome the unique data management and collaboration challenges posed by interlinking data from research and patient treatment.

Managing Translational Research Data

Managing translational research data

Proper lab data management in translational research is vital in improving repeatability and reproducibility in experiments. This ultimately leads to more reliable research studies, improved product development and better patient outcomes in a shorter time frame. Data management software plays a central role in managing the integration, quality control, analysis, and sharing of translational research data. In LabKey Server, these features include:

  • The ability to seamlessly connect raw assay data with metadata and the original experiment
  • Built-in quality control tools for recognizing and handling erroneous values
  • A file watcher that automatically loads new data into a new or existing dataset as it becomes available, reducing human interaction and error
  • Compliance tools for ensuring data is reviewed and an electronic signature recorded

Comprehensive Data Integration

Data integration for translational research

Translational research involves many scientists and clinicians compiling multiple data types and sources. These may include deidentified patient data, whole genome or exome sequences, specific tumor sequences, specimen records from patient blood draws, biopsies, and more. Without a data integration hub, this is a daunting and time-consuming process that can potentially slow down research and the downstream treatment offered to patients.  LabKey Server includes these powerful features for integrating translational research data:

  • A compliant study environment with tools that simplify the integration of clinical and research data
  • Automated methods for aligning data from a variety of sources (flow cytometry, Luminex, antibody data, data from electronic data capture systems, etc.)
  • Flexibility and simplified methods for collecting ad-hoc results
  • Tools for comparing subjects across multiple studies

Collaboration and Sharing of Research Data

Collaboration and sharing of translational research data

Sharing data with collaborators improves accountability, innovation, and ultimately the production of new therapies for patients. Hurdles like institutional firewalls and outdated data-sharing methods, like emails, spreadsheets and insecure websites, often hinder collaboration in the scientific community. LabKey Server helps teams collaborate securely by providing:

  • Web-based access to a central platform for data sharing
  • A compliant environment with multi-level permissions, so data sharing is secure
  • The ability to protect PHI data or randomize IDs when sharing information with collaborators

Case Study: City of Hope

City of Hope is a comprehensive cancer care center treating patients using the Total Cancer Care protocol. LabKey Server brings together clinical and genomic data, making it available across the entire City of Hope enterprise where it can be used to improve precision-based therapies. LabKey Server integrated with their existing data warehouse systems, provided users with graphical access to querying and reporting, as well as API access for developers and users performing more advanced analysis techniques. LabKey also supports City of Hope’s needs for team collaboration solutions, API development, and workflow integration, with an audit system that supports regulatory compliance. 

Read More: LabKey Improves Data Accessibility for Total Cancer Care Protocol at City of Hope

Related Documentation

LabKey Open Research Portal for COVID-19 Research Studies

Researchers focusing on COVID-19 are using the LabKey Open Research portal to collaborate and share study data. Teams from the Dave O’Connor and Tom Friedrich labs at the University of Wisconsin have started The CoVen”– a collaboration and data sharing initiative for researchers across a variety of institutions studying the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The diverse data shared in the portal is derived from both human clinical samples and nonhuman primate models. The CoVen teams are contributing to COVID-19 research by focusing on the following key areas:

  • Collaboration on nonhuman primate research studies of the virus. 

Since SARS-CoV-2 causes respiratory disease in infected rhesus macaques and other nonhuman primates, they are a useful animal model for COVID-19.  This includes developing and sharing a Clinical Scoring System and Lab Value Reference Guide to help maintain data consistency across future nonhuman primate COVID-19 studies. Information on animal model development and links to COVID-19 animal model preprints are also made available for reference and exploration

  • Conducting longitudinal viral genome sequencing from human isolates to understand virus evolution.

Viral RNA sequencing from human isolates gives insight into the transmission chain from person to person, and how it differs from city to city.

  • Optimizing assays for virus and antibody detection in nonhuman primate and human clinical samples. 

The development of assays to rapidly detect infections is essential in curtailing the pandemic. The O’Connor Lab is developing assays to detect COVID-19 viral nucleic acids in swab samples to detect current infections, as well as detect antibodies targeting SARS-CoV-2 in serology samples to determine if someone has been previously exposed and mounted an immune response.

LabKey Open Research Portal for COVID-19 Collaboration

Built using LabKey Server, the LabKey Open Research portal helps CoVen researchers directly coordinate with collaborators to post real-time updates and monitor the progress of ongoing studies. The portal provides a platform that facilitates communication, data uploads, and efficient tracking of updates. These real-time updates allow the CoVen team to fine tune study designs and discuss future directions of studies based on data from each site.

By sharing real-time study updates on the portal, research teams from around the world have accessed the data. This has facilitated further collaboration and helped the CoVen team to learn from other research studies, share and develop standardized clinical scoring criteria, PET/CT imaging techniques, virological and immunological assays, and study designs.

Open Research Portal projects are freely available to researchers. If you are interested in sharing real-time data through the portal, please contact us.